This section lists some of the known problems with the Video
+o When using vvvvllllSSSSeeeettttuuuuppppPPPPaaaatttthhhhssss((((,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VVVVLLLL____DDDDOOOONNNNEEEE____UUUUSSSSIIIINNNNGGGG)))) all controls
are cleared, and must be set again to begin using the
same path. Similarly, when marking a path as
VL_READ_ONLY, the controls are also cleared and must be
set again before using the path.
+o The names of packing modes VL_PACKING_RGBA and
VL_PACKING_RGBA_8 do not reflect the true order in
which data is laid out in memory. It in fact is,
ABGR_8 which is what IrisGL uses directly for
+o If you change from an NTSC to a PAL source you may need
to restart any running video applications for them to
display correct video data.
+o VLStreamAvailable events are not implemented.
+o For certain monitors and timings you may want to use
the _s_e_t_m_o_n command. See the man page for details.
+o The Video Library dynamically loads video modules using
_d_l_o_p_e_n(3). There may be limitations in using _p_i_x_i_e(1)
to instrument a library loaded by _d_l_o_p_e_n.
7.3 _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n__E_r_r_o_r_s
+o It may not be clearly explained everywhere in the
documentation that a buffer contains a single item
where an item is either a field of a frame depending an
+o When using an IrisGL window in combination with a
screen drain, the value VL_IRISGLWINDOW must be
specified rather than the GL window id. After setting
the control, gconfig() must be called.
+o The definition of VLControlValue is a union that